Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Shrine to Pan

Hello and Blessed Be!
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I have realized that I really want to build an outdoor shrine to Pan (well actually lots of shrines to various deities but Pan is my priority right now). Nothing fancy, perhaps a small wood or stone makeshift altar, with an image of Pan painted on a rock or piece of driftwood, decorated with pretty rocks, dried flowers, acorns, and pine cones. On the altar I would leave an empty space on which candles and incense could be burned, and offerings could be left. Preferably this small shrine would be built in a wooded area, although a field would suffice too and of course it would have to be on private land so as not to offend anyone and to protect if from being destroyed. Right now the only problem is, is that I rent an apartment and have no land, wooded or otherwise, on which I could build a shrine so this project will have to be placed on the back burner.
Pan and many other nature deities were never meant to be worshiped inside and my small shrine to Pan located in my apartment seems so disconnected from him and everything he stands for that I rarely use it. Ask yourself this, where would you prefer to worship (insert the name of you favorite nature deity/spirit), in a corner of a room in your home, or outdoors, surrounded by nature? If your answer is inside, then consider where would they rather you worship them? I know that not everyone has the luxury of owning land (I'm one of them) or having a natural area they could use, but if you did would you build a shrine there?
Has anyone ever built an outdoor shrine or worshiped/performed a ritual at one? If so how was it, did you seem more connected to the divines or the natural world? Is it worth it in your opinion?


  1. I am commenting on this blog. It's a frog blog.

  2. Well Raven you have gotten my imagination to work on this! I think every pagan needs to create sacred space outdoors in nature. Having a permanet shrine to a deity/spirit would be very empowering as would an outdoor altar set up for the particular ritual/spell. Full moon rituals are wonderful when performed outdoors within nature, even if you live in the city. Get away if it is only for a few hours go to a place with trees, stream and seclusion if possible. Another possability is to have a small box packed with altar supplies in the trunk of your car (just in case an opportunity presents itself)

    In my backyard I have little areas that are inviting to the fae/fairies. The shrine idea is wonderful and had not thought of doing that. I think also a very small version (if you do not have a yard) could be set up with a small wooden table ouside a doorway or on a porch or patio/balcony area surrounded with living plants, waterfalls, chimes etc. Or inside a room with a window looking out to see the moonlight, stars, strees etc so you feel the energy and communication in nature. Thank You for opening up my imagination to possibilities!

    1. I hadn't thought of setting something up outside by the porch. I think the one for the door that leads to the allyway would work well. I will have to try it out :) Hopefully the neighbors wont mess with it but I don't think they would since they don't use the door in the allyway anyways. Thanks for your input and idea :)
