Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Open Your Eyes? No, Open Your Ears!

Hello and Blessed Be!
It seems that too often we are told to "open our eyes", to see the God/Goddess in nature. I myself even alluded to this in a previous post (although I was going for more of a "open your mind" thing), but why? Why do we put such an emphasis on seeing? I know "seeing is believing", but what about touching, tasting, smelling or hearing?
Sit with your eyes closed for a minute and really listen, I bet you will hear things that your mind usually tunes out (whether it's the hum of the refrigerator or bird song outside your window) and because of that I would like to propose an experiment; some day this week I think we should all stop trying to see the divine/sacred in everything and start listening for it. This line of thinking has led me to write a poem about listening for the spirits of nature. While this poem is heavily influenced by my desire to go home and see my family (the things I describe in it are all sounds that are commonly heard in my hometown), I think it will help you realize what I mean.

Stop and Listen

Stop and listen, do you hear that tune?
It’s the nature spirits of old,
Hear them in the haunting calls of the lover loons,
And in the whisper of the falling snow.

Hear them in the creaks and groans of cedar trees,
In the bellows of a stag in rut,
Hear them in the summer song of buzzing bees,
And in the yips of coyotes on the hunt.

Hear them in the robin song of a bright spring day,
In the waves crashing on the rocks,
Hear them in the chatter of squirrels at play,
And in the wing beats of the mighty hawk.

Hear them in the ancient raven’s lonely call,
In the chorus of the peeper frogs,
Hear them in the rustling of the leaves of fall,
And in the drumming of woodpeckers on a log.

Open your ears and close your eyes,
Do you hear the spirits all around?
We much too often seek out the sights,
And ignore these sacred sounds.

P.S. If you do try the experiment let me know what you hear :)

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